Kind Warning

I just want to put this out there that I am not a critic just a girl finding her way in this new world of burlesque. I try to be gentle with my opinions and do really love all of the effort these women put into show productions. Along with all of the male and female performers out there I do respect all of you and look up to each and everyone of you. So please, if you happen to be one of these great people reading my blog and for some reason you don't like what I have written please talk with me so we can settle our differences if there are any. Thank You!!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Thankful to my Hubba Bubba

I have tot take the time and talk about my hubs for a min.

After last night's show, which I will posting about in a bit, I wanted the world to know what a great husband I have. To many he is known as Big Bad so we will refer to him here the same. I have known this man since I was nineteen and he was the one man I could count on since I was twenty-one. He is truly my best friend. He is this guy who never sought to try and make me someone else, but allowed me to be me the minute we were together. Now he was only my friend for most of our life together and only became my main squeeze four years ago, so pardon the unknown references I may make through out my posts.

Last night we both enjoyed a performance that blew our minds in the best way possible. And after the show we both thought the same thing, To thank each other for this new gift we have found. Why he thought he needed to thank me I don't know, because he is the one who needs a thousand thanks from me daily. This guy spent most of his life in the military and he ended up now with a wife who is crazy in a good way. If you saw him most of the time you wouldn't see a guy who loves burlesque, thinks his wife with bright hair and tattoos is sexy, and has his own wild side. It's there and I am the daily proof that he is more then wild from time to time.

 Over the last year we finally made it in our life where I didn't have to work. Now this doesn't mean we have endless amounts of money, but enough for me to be there for our son. This also allowed me the opportunity to tattoo myself more visibly and start dying my hair once again crazy colors. This guy just looks at me smiles, tells me he loves me, and to go for it if it makes me happy. Honestly how I ended up so lucky after the first guy I was with turned out to be a serious bad match for me I have no idea.

Over the last month he has gone to four different shows with me though he has to work the next morning or right after a show. He screams and hollers just as loud as I do now. He supports me and even is willing to wear a shirt that says he belongs to me too. He has even thought of doing a number himself, but his job would go crazy if he did so he just gets to watch me instead. This is huge since he tends to fall apart when he has had little sleep. He is even getting to know who some of the people are that I love watching or those I actually know now.

This guy makes my life so worth living it to its fullest everyday and I am incredibly grateful to him. He busts his ass off in order  for me to start taking my clothes off and we couldn't be happier living this way. We are two odd birds together making sweet music.

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