Kind Warning

I just want to put this out there that I am not a critic just a girl finding her way in this new world of burlesque. I try to be gentle with my opinions and do really love all of the effort these women put into show productions. Along with all of the male and female performers out there I do respect all of you and look up to each and everyone of you. So please, if you happen to be one of these great people reading my blog and for some reason you don't like what I have written please talk with me so we can settle our differences if there are any. Thank You!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Applying for the Academy

I got my acceptance email today from Cha Cha!!!!!!!

After spending 45 minutes after class with Cha Cha talking about the awesomeness that is burlesque. I went home and immediately got on the computer and filled out the form for acceptance to their 12 week course. Now at the end of this course you perform. that whole part scares me a bit cause I can't remember the last time I was up on a stage performing, but it will be amazing and I know the audience will be filled with people I couldn't live with out. The other thing that is so freaking great is that I will be able to take classes weekly from the two people I really admire in the Vegas Burlesque community. Lou Lou Roxy in the 101 classes and Cha Cha Velour during the course.

 I am so freaking excited. My classes start on May first. I already have the base of my act put together. I have the song and the outer most layer of my costume picked out. By this Friday I will have my handbook so I can read it before starting class.

I already feel amazing about me. Since day one I am feeling more like I can rock anything. I even bought myself pencil skirts finally realizing that I could and do look great in them. It's surprising to see that doing something like this for myself is making such an impact on how I feel about me. I am loving this feeling though and can't wait to feel even better than I do now.

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