Kind Warning

I just want to put this out there that I am not a critic just a girl finding her way in this new world of burlesque. I try to be gentle with my opinions and do really love all of the effort these women put into show productions. Along with all of the male and female performers out there I do respect all of you and look up to each and everyone of you. So please, if you happen to be one of these great people reading my blog and for some reason you don't like what I have written please talk with me so we can settle our differences if there are any. Thank You!!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Where to fucking start???

Okay so lately I have noticed that I have been all shades of fucking serious on this blog. Well today I would like to share with you stupid shit about my own personal burly shit.

I have one fucking number!!!! That's it just one and I am hating that I only have the one. I have many ideas sprouting up in this pretty little head of mine and I am trying to figure out what to go with first. How is a girl supposed to come up with a new act when she can't even focus on one damn song?? this is my current dilemma and it sucks donkey balls that are huge. Now this problem isn't here because I haven't found inspiration that is one thing that I have plenty of. The issue is what song and costume to begin with.

 The other thing that is a problem is that I do not find myself in any way one of the sexy girls in Vegas burlesque. I don't feel sexy and I sure as hell do not make sexy good faces. No I can't even look serious without looking like I might kill a person, I blame being half Mexican and native at that. All I know how to do is smile my shit eating grin and get down with my bad self. Fuck!!!! How these sexy ass bitches do it here I still have not found a way to master yet, I am only a padawan in this department and my Jedi master is still struggling to get this girl to feel confident in her sexy faces. So I get on stage and  groove and it turns out great but being sexy just looks silly for me. All of this being said I don't feel okay being sexy on stage but I love being goofy and naked.

Figuring out what song to start with first is so freaking hard. I have wiwddled it down to three songs and now I just need to start with one. But which freaking song???? I have one that is kind of creepy, another that is a sweet ass parody, and the last one that is just plain sexy. I have costumes in my head for two of the three. So it still leaves me with which fucking one?!?!?!?!

Sometimes life is hard as a burlesques ;)

Time to get cracking so I can figure this shit out.

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